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Blog: Welcome to the world of Powerchair Football

When researching this blog, I had little idea about Powerchair Football.

Sure, Murderball (Wheelchair Rugby) has something of a following… but Powerchair Football? As it turns out, you’re missing a trick.

Designed for people with a high level of impairment to access football, it is the only active team participation sport that uses electric wheelchairs.

It was first played by school children in France in the 1970s and throughout a global governing body (FIPFA) now has a World Cup and other international tournaments.

Unsurprisingly, it is played in most countries around the world.

In the UK it is run by the FA, the Wheelchair Football Association and County FAs. There are well over 100 teams across the UK with leagues and cup competitions.

In fact, many professional clubs are involved in Powerchair Football, as well as a burgeoning recreational scene.

For national or international competitions, there are two eligible classes: PF1 (higher level impairment) and PF2 (lower level impairment).  In these competitions, a team must have a minimum of two PF1s on court at any one time.

So what are the rules?

Powerchair Football is played on a basketball sized court and is based on the 18 laws of the game, as specified by FIFA.

Of course, there are some adaptations. A larger 33cm ball is used and the game 4V4 with two halves of 20 minutes.

There is no crossbar and goalposts are placed six metres apart. Tackling is is allowed, although sensibly ‘ramming’ other chairs is not allowed.

There are other rules that apply specifically to Powerchair Football, but the key is making sure as many people as possible can enjoy The Beautiful Game.

Is there anything better than that?

Take a look and find out for yourself – the Wheelchair Football Association is an excellent start: https://thewfa.org.uk


James Shaw